
Find Bunion Solutions Here:

• A bunion is a shift of the toe bones into an improper position causing pain and loss of function. The big toe begins pointing towards the 2nd toe and the end of the 1st metatarsal bone begins to stick out away from the foot.

• Bunions are progressive and always get worse over time. Arthritis can develop in the joint due to the mal-positioned joint.

• Usually bunions are a genetic condition. Shoes with a narrow, tight toe box can make a bunion worse over time.

• Bunions are not always painful. When there is pain it is usually right over the bump on the foot with continued irritation and bruising to the bone from shoes, etc.

• Conservative treatment options for bunions are limited. Wider shoes will take the pressure off the area. Bracing and spacers can be used to brace the big toe back into position. Custom orthotics can help redistribute the forces on the foot. But these things only help to relieve some of the discomfort, they don’t address the actual problem of the bones shifting.

• Surgery is the only effective treatment for the bunion and there are several different surgical techniques, depending on the specifics of your bunion.