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• It’s not your imagination! Your feet can grow during pregnancy.
A hormone called Relastin is released when you’re pregnant and it targets ligaments in your body related to delivering your baby. However, it can also affect other ligaments in your body including those in your feet causing them to loosen and elongate.

• Relaxin can also affect weight bearing joints in your feet and your feet may increase in width as well.

• Not all pregnant womens’ feet will be effected, but if it does happen, it’s permanent. Try taking your shoes to a shoe repair shop to have them stretched.

• You may feel like you need some additional arch support while pregnant because your feet get tired from carrying the extra weight. Try some store bought arch supports to relieve the pressure.

• Swollen feet and ankles is another common pregnancy woe. Your body is making and retaining extra fluid that collects in the feet due to gravity. Try to stay off of your feet for periods during the day and make sure you have at least one pair of well fitting shoes.